Altered Book Front Cover

Altered Book Front Cover Detail
Altered Book Front Cover Detail
Humument Back Cover
Humument Back Cover
Inner World (page)
Inner World (page)
One of the pages inside, reading: "A subtle voice repeated a word responsible for the differences in language"
One of the pages inside, reading: "A subtle voice repeated a word responsible for the differences in language"
Inspired by the work of Tom Phillips, I created an altered book of my own. I used the book "Bard on the Brain" by Jeff McQuain.
You can find a comprehensive walkthrough of my Altered book/Humument here.
Logo design for Hoagie Haven’s merch design project. 
The Adobe Illustrator interface allows for vector graphics so I took some time familiarizing myself with the program for this project - so my designs can be resized without losing detail or images appearing fuzzy. 
Hoagie Haven is a small local business in Princeton, NJ. After multiple concept sketches, I decided on one that includes their name in a symbol, surrounded with their slogan. 
The business wanted something that could work on apparel and optimized for other merch. The slogan on my design could be removed, and the sandwich/name symbol can be used for smaller advertising, such as stickers.
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